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Educational Opportunity for Indigenous Students in Grade 9 through 12

A virtual camp for students in grade 9 through 12 to begin exploring various health careers and learn more about indigenous cultures and medicines will begin September 14 to October 5, 2021. The deadline for applications will be 5:00PM on Friday, September 3, 2021 and a fee of $25.00 will apply.

It is encouraged to complete application forms via online – Click Here for Student Application Form

For more submission options please visit Healers of Tomorrow Gathering or if you have any questions about the application form or application process, please call Carolyn at (709) 864-4938.

helaers of tomorrow


Pathways to Reconciliation

Minister John Abbott requests to meet with Qalipu First Nation – April 16, 2021

It’s not an unfamiliar request from the Honourable John Abbott, a Minister of many responsibilities, to sit with Qalipu First Nation. Minister Abbott reached out to Qalipu First Nation to continue communications and what turned to be very productive discussions on Monday, August 16, 2021. Conversations around conquering hurdles for Indigenous Child Wellness and Family Services, Education and Childcare, and Housing were some of the main topics of focus during the meeting.

We look forward to future conversation and achieving greater outcomes for all our members!

[Left to Right] Author Douglas Walbourne-Gough, Corner Brook Mayor Jim Parson, Artist Marcus Gosse, Artist Jordan Bennett, and Former Resident of Crow Gulch Margie Benoit Wheeler
[Left to Right] Author Douglas Walbourne-Gough, Corner Brook Mayor Jim Parson, Artist Marcus Gosse, Artist Jordan Bennett, and Former Resident of Crow Gulch Margie Benoit Wheeler

Crow Gulch, Ktaqmkuk – Not to be Forgotten

It has taken a community coming together to present this beautiful honor in the memory of what can be said to be for some, the unknown or forgotten Indigenous settlement, Crow Gulch, Newfoundland.

On the morning of Friday, August 20, 2021, a collaborative art piece by Mi’kmaw Artists Marcus Gosse and Jordan Bennett was installed and unveiled. The incredibly outstanding art mural can be seen at the parking lot for the trail leading to Crow Gulch – adjacent to the intersection of Griffin Drive and Lewin Parkway near the Corner Brook pulp and paper mill. Both artists, along with former Crow Gulch resident Margie Benoit Wheeler worked together, as Margie was able to share pictures and stories of her time growing up in the small community while unknowingly becoming an inspiration for the mural.

Margie Benoit Wheeler spoke during the unveiling, “We were the forgotten people between Corner Brook and Curling.” She then reflected on her memories for her relocated community, some heart-warming, and others very heart-breaking. While Mayor of Corner Brook Jim Parsons restated his recognition of Crow Gulch, “This was a community – Margie is a fountain of wealth – its time to reconcile.”

Gosse reflected on Bennett’s and his final artwork, both colleagues who were thankful to have such an opportunity to work together – how the mural commemorates 100 years since Crow Gulch was settled, the significance of the Indigenous rest spot created for the installation, and how it will provide education to youth, families, and tourists to enjoy. Gosse described the strong presence of the crows in their mural as a symbol of our ancestors coming back with messages and to be with us. The double curves representing our life cycle – 1st curve is birth, the middle curve is middle age, and the last curve representing senior/elder life. While the house chimneys release spiritual energies – all together show community, connectedness, and spiritual connections. In the coming months, there will be plaque signs leading from the parking lots rest stop to Crow Gulch where 45 families called home – to keep their honor and spirit alive.

[Left to Right] Glenda Buckle, Qalpiu First Nation Chief Brendan Mitchell, and Margie Benoit Wheeler
[Left to Right] Glenda Buckle, Qalpiu First Nation Chief Brendan Mitchell, and Margie Benoit Wheeler
Also present that morning was Author Douglas Walbourne-Gough who kindly read an exert from his 2019 published work, Crow Gulch. The book was dedicated to his grandparents Rudy and Ella Gough, also former residents of the community. Walbourne-Gough noted that today is a way to begin more dialog on Crow Gulch’s history that some people knew and some not at all. How it can bring light to the community and marginalization as it no longer exists and to extend reconciliation to Dunfield Park – which had been the relocation community for the last few families who were still in Crow Gulch in the very early 1970s.


call for nominations

Notice of Call for Nominations – 2021 Qalipu Election

Opening August 30, 2021 8:30AM and Closing September 10, 2021 at 12:00PM

In accordance with the Custom Rules Governing Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections, nominations are invited for the positions of Chief, Central Vice Chief, Western Vice Chief, and Councilor for the following Electoral Wards: Flat Bay, St. George’s, Stephenville, Port au Port, Benoit’s Cove, Corner Brook, Exploits, Glenwood, Gander Bay.

Nomination forms are available for download at www.qalipu.ca or at the Corner Brook band office at 3 Church Street. Completed nomination forms must be returned to the Corner Brook office either by postage mail or hand delivered. A nonrefundable fee of $25.00 shall be submitted with the nomination papers in the form of money order, bank draft, certified cheque, or cash. Nominations are to be received no later than 12:00PM on September 10, 2021 and will be considered as filed with the Electoral Officer for the purpose of the Band Election to be held on October 22, 2021.

Members can view the Electoral Voters List at the Corner Brook Office or on the band webpage at www.qalipu.ca to confirm their eligibility to vote.

Carol Lahey
Electoral Officer


Submit Feedbak Photo

Your Feedback is Important – Amendment to the Valentine Project Environmental Impact Statement

Marathon Gold has advised that an Amendment to the Valentine Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been submitted to the NL Department of Environment and Climate Change.

Members of Qalipu First Nation are encouraged to provide comments to our Manager of Environment and Natural Resources Alyssa Hunter at ahunter@qalipu.ca or call 709-634-1500. Written comments regarding the Amendment must be received by September 25, 2021.

Comments may also be emailed to EAProjectcomments@gov.nl.ca or mailed to the following:

Mr. Eric Watton, M.Sc.

Project EAC Chair

Valentine Gold Project

Environmental Assessment Division

Department of Environment and Climate Change

P.O. Box 8700

St. John’s NL A1B 4J6


The EIS including the Amendment can be viewed on the Department’s web site at https://www.gov.nl.ca/ecc/projects/project-2015/

Election 2021 update mailing address

Voter Information – Qalipu First Nation Election 2021

Voting will be done over the phone or online using a PIN that will be sent to voters by postage mail.

To receive your voter PIN please ensure your mailing address is up to date!
You can update your mailing address by completing the Voter Registration Form
or by going to your Ginu membership profile and updating your personal profile information


We recommend you take the additional step of updating your address with Indigenous Services Canada. You can reach them at 1 800 561 2266. For support doing this, you can connect with Nancy O’Connell our Indian Registration Administrator at (709) 634-4010 or email noconnell@qalipu.ca.


Qalipu Elections 2021 Additional Information


2021 Qalipu Election – Appointment of Electoral Officer

Qalipu Chief and Council would like to announce to its members that the position of Electoral Officer has been appointed to Carol Lahey. In this role, Carol will administer the upcoming Band Election for Fall 2021 in accordance with the Custom Rules Governing the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections.

Carol Lahey was a Deputy Electoral Officer in both 2012 and 2015 elections and was then appointed Electoral Officer during the last election in 2018. She has become very proficient in her understanding of the Qalipu election process, rules, and procedures. Lahey also brings with her experience working in both provincial and federal elections.

We look forward to another successful election in 2021.

To reach Carol, please email clahey@qalipu.ca or call 709-630-7678

Find a copy of the Election Code here: Election Code

Voters will receive an information package in the mail containing a secure PIN that they will use to vote either online or over the phone:

Question: What can I do to make sure I receive my voter information package in the mail?

Answer: We need your correct mailing address. Please register your current information by completing the Voter Registration Form or by updating your Ginu membership profile on your own


Covid-19 Updates for Qalipu Offices – Mask Mandate Lifted by Province Re-Opens Doors at Qalipu Offices

We are pleased to reopen our doors at our Qalipu offices and give an overdue Welcome back to our communities!

Newfoundland & Labrador’s mask mandate was lifted as of midnight August 10th, 2021.

  • Masks are no longer required while working in our offices but are very much welcomed to individual preferences.
  • All offices are now open for walk in traffic, as we did in pre-pandemic times.
  • Further reopening of our community rooms for community-based groups bookings will be effective August 16th, 2021.

Qalipu offices will still undertake COVID screening protocols for guests and our barriers and hygiene practices will remain in place.

Take Care & Stay Safe!


Residential Home Heat & Energy Rebate Program (Program Closed)

Residential Home Heat & Energy Rebate Program

As a direct result of the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic and previous multiple stay-at-home orders, Qalipu First Nation recognizes that its members have endured financial hardship due to an unexpected rise in the cost of heating and running their homes. To support its membership through these unprecedented times, Qalipu First Nation is pleased to host a random draw to disperse a one-time payment up to $200 to successful applicants towards their incurred Home Heat & Energy Costs. The draw will extend until funds are exhausted.

Here are the details you will need to know to enter the draw for the Residential Home Heat & Energy Rebate:

  • Program is open to Qalipu First Nation (QFN) members residing in Canada for a minimum of (12) consecutive months prior to date of the application.
  • Applicants will be required to provide proof of service charges in the form of a receipt or invoice from a registered home heat or energy provider with a minimum total of $200 charges between April 1st – September 1st, 2021 (ex. NL Power, Irving Oil, Superior Propane etc.).
  • Online application collection will be open for three weeks: Aug 11th – September 1st, 2021, at 4pm.
  • Paper/mail in applications will need to be post marked by September 1st, 2021, at 4pm.
  • Paper/mail in applications will not be accepted after September 7th, 2021, at 4pm.
  • Limit of one application per member. Duplicate applications will be removed from draw. In the event duplicate applications are received, QFN will consider the first application received as the valid submission.
  • All applications will require: Name, Accurate Shipping/Mailing address, Street Address (if different from mailing address), Band #, Phone Number and/or email address. Incomplete applications will be removed from draw.
  • While all member applications will be accepted, only one successful applicant per household is permitted. If additional applications are subsequently drawn from the same household, they will be considered ineligible.
  • Random draw will take place on September 8th, 2021.
  • Due to privacy reasons a list of winners will not be posted and only the successful applicants will be contacted.

Complete one of the following form options to apply:

To apply online:
[link removed]

To download and print application:
[link removed]

Please complete all sections of the application. Applications that are unsigned or incomplete will NOT be accepted. Faxed applications will NOT be accepted.
FAQ’s for Residential Home Heat & Energy Program

If you require assistance, please contact a member of our COVID-19 Support Team at 709-634-4577, 709-393-6777 or covidsupport@qalipu.ca


Notice for Medical Transportation

Notice for Medical Transportation As our staff continues to support clients with their medical transportation and reimbursement:

Please understand that in the event clients may have an emergency transportation situation that the process for the medical transportation program still falls under a notice of 3 to 7 business days. In the event of an emergency, claims and reimbursements still need to go through the process of approval under the same timeline of 3 to 7 business days.

Note that not all medical transportation is guaranteed to be approved under NIHB. Thank you for your understanding!