aga featured image

Notice of Qalipu First Nation Annual General Assembly

Please be advised that the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band will hold its Annual General Assembly (AGA) to discuss the activities of the Band for the fiscal year of 2019-2020. The AGA will be held on September 27 at 1:30 pm in Corner Brook at the Civic Centre.

Members of the Band are invited to pre-register for the meeting if attending in person.  Please be advised that attendance is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions that are currently in place. To pre-register, please call 634-5111 or email

Members are encouraged to tune in to a live stream of the meeting which is accessible through the ginu membership database.  If you need help accessing your profile, or have questions about how to view the live stream, please contact our Indian Registration Administrator at 709-634-4010 or toll free (Newfoundland only) at 1-855-263-6440

The Annual Report will be published on our website, copies will be available at the meeting, and at our office locations for pickup. For your reference, please find a copy of our 2019-2020 audited financial statements, which will be presented at the AGA, here:

Marathon Gold SEA Community Meeting

Virtual Community Meeting Regarding Socio-Economic Agreement with Marathon Gold

In October 2019, Qalipu First Nation was approached by Marathon Gold, a gold resource development company focused on a gold reserve located in our territory in central Newfoundland. Representatives from the company expressed a desire to share plans and consult with our membership and were welcomed at several regular meetings of Council to share presentations and answer questions.

We aim to serve our members’ interests by ensuring that environmental stewardship is a top priority for Qalipu First Nation with respect to all major development projects in our province. Additionally, we wish to explore economic opportunities for our members and their communities. The Chief and Council appointed a committee of Council and senior staff to have focused discussions with Marathon Gold on these topics.

To date, we have continued dialogue with Marathon Gold on their Valentine Lake Project and are now ready to share preliminary plans for a Socio-Economic Agreement (SEA). We encourage our members to participate in a virtual meeting to discuss the draft SEA and provide feedback. This meeting will take place via Zoom on Thursday, September 17th at 7:00 PM with Band Manager Keith Goulding and Marathon Gold’s Jamie Powell, Vice President, Regulatory and Government Affairs.

Draft Socio-Economic Agreement for Review Prior to Consultation

Please pre-register for this meeting by emailing

Click Here to View Questions and Answers from this Engagement Session

Bernie Hanlon Scholarship Ad

Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship, Apply Now!

The Education and Training Department is now accepting applications for the Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship.

Bernadette “Bernie” Hanlon dedicated her life to supporting and encouraging the aboriginal people of Newfoundland both culturally and in working with them to meet their educational dreams. Bernie always went above and beyond for her many students and tried to help in any way possible through her many years with the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and later with the Qalipu First Nation. Bernie worked tirelessly to help those around her develop personally as well by supporting and encouraging cultural and spiritual growth. The Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship was created to help a client of The Education and Training Department attending college or completing an undergraduate degree to continue to pursue those dreams.

The scholarship is valued at $1,000.00 and will be awarded to the applicant that best embodies Bernie’s passion for our culture and a commitment to academics as well as to their community.

To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently be in receipt of support under the PSSSP
  • Currently enrolled a college diploma or undergraduate degree program and planning to return to school in the fall.
  • Achieve a grade average of B or higher in their program of studies
  • And answer the following essay question in 500 words or less:
    “Using the information provided above, demonstrate how you embody the spirit of Bernie Hanlon.”

Please submit applications to Yvonne MacDonald via email ( by September 30th. Note: all essays must be submitted in PDF format.

Virtual Indigenous Art & Craft Symposium

Virtual Indigenous Art & Craft Symposium

Experience Qalipu is pleased to announce a Virtual Indigenous Art and Craft Symposium to take place over the month of October.

The symposium will offer two sessions each week, a professional development session every Tuesday and an artist talk every Thursday.

Professional development sessions will include How to Become a Member of the Craft Council of Newfoundland & Labrador, How to Price your Products, a Virtual Craft Fair Information Session, and Social Media for Craftspeople and Artists.

Artist talks will be shared by artists who practice a variety of mediums including Jenelle Duval, Melissa Peter-Paul, and Nelson White.

Tara Saunders, director of Community Development at Qalipu First Nation, describes this event as an “opportunity to advance the professionalism of our Indigenous artists and craftspeople and encourage hobby artists and craftspeople to pursue arts as a career.”

To register for this event, please fill out this form:

If you have any questions or require assistance with registration, please contact Alex Antle at

Virtual Craft Fair

All About the Artists: Virtual Craft Fair

In a continued effort to support the Indigenous artists and craftspeople of Newfoundland and Labrador, Experience Qalipu is excited to announce that we will be hosting an online art and craft auction on November 6th – 8th.

This event was inspired by the very successful Indigenous Peoples Day Art & Craft Auction hosted by the Nunatsiavut Government that raised over $23,000 for Indigenous artists and craftspeople.

Covid-19 has caused the cancellation of many craft fairs throughout the summer and will continue to affect crafts fairs through the Christmas season. This has dramatically affected Indigenous artists and craftspeople who rely on these events as a source of income.

One participating craftsperson stated that this virtual craft fair means “recovery after months of zero selling opportunities”.

Our artists and craftspeople carry our traditions in their work and Experience Qalipu is making every effort to ensure their continued success. Tara Saunders, Director or Community Development at Qalipu First Nation, states that “with the impending cancellation of Christmas craft fairs, we had to find a new opportunity to highlight and support our Indigenous arts community. Many of our other programs have been going ahead online so we knew we could find a way to bring this online too.”

Click here to see the full Call for Artists – Experience Qalipu

To register as an artist or craftsperson, please fill out this online form:

If you have any questions or require assistance with the sign up form, please contact Alex Antle at



Ka'qawej Youth Programming Calendar top

People of the Dawn Indigenous Friendship Centre Launches New Project for Youth!

Ka'qawej Youth Programming Calendar bottom

People of the Dawn Indigenous Friendship Centre has launched an incredible workshop/discussion series called “Adulting 101: for the Aspiring Leader” starting soon for youth age 15-30. The sessions will focus on developing practical life skills, building confidence and picking up a few professional skills along the way.

Youth can connect with Sabrina Muise, Project Coordinator. She’ll set you up for all the sessions hosted online and keep everyone connected throughout the program which starts next week and runs right into the New Year!

Contact details for Sabrina:
Tel: (709) 643-3902 | Fax: (709) 643-3877
Email: | Website:

“Round Dance” by Nelson White
“Round Dance” by Nelson White

Nelson White’s Art Show Tukien (Awaken) Now Open at Grenfell Gallery


“Knowing” by Nelson White featuring Meagan Musseau
“Knowing” by Nelson White featuring Meagan Musseau

Wouldn’t we all like, in some small way, to be the subject of the artists gaze? To be reimagined through a unique lens and brought to new life as a piece of art or poetry or song?

Nelson White’s new art show Tukien (awaken) brings that lens of reimagining to familiar faces from home, to everyday people we know and love. In this portrait collection, we see locals Dave White, Michelle Cormier, Cal White, Jordan Bennett, Ivan J. White, Gregg White, Melissa Trembley, Aiden Ash Penwaq, John Nick Jeddore, Joanna Barker and Meagan Musseau among the 18 indigenous people represented.

I caught up with Nelson at the St. George’s Community Garden for a chat about Tukien, which is currently on display at Grenfell College in Corner Brook, and about his life as an artist.

“The faces in this collection represent the many ways that strong indigenous people are leading and impacting community” he said, “we are many things and I wanted to reflect all of who we are. These (portraits) are some of the cool, interesting, and intelligent people I know. People in my circle. A circle that continued to widen as the portrait project became a show.”

“Regalia Maker” by Nelson White featuring Michelle Cormier
“Regalia Maker” by Nelson White featuring Michelle Cormier

Nelson also said he wanted to showcase people in a way that defies stereotypes. For instance, the collection includes a portrait of a woman in RCMP officer’s attire. It is titled “Regalia Maker,” turning the stereotype of what a regalia maker should look like on its head.

Tukien opened in Corner Brook on August 14, ahead of other locations in Atlantic Canada, something that was important to Nelson. “Because it’s home. It’s where my family and friends can see it. The people who are in the show can see it and be proud.”

The show will eventually move on to other galleries and locations planned in Atlantic Canada.

The Smithsonian!

“Veteran Elder” by Nelson White featuring Elder Elsworth Oakley
“Veteran Elder” by Nelson White featuring Elder Elsworth Oakley

Nelson is visiting home (Flat Bay) for a few days and will return to St. John’s on Sunday. He’s a bit of a local celebrity here following news of his artwork being placed on permanent display at the Museum of the American Indian in the Smithsonian.

Indeed, a garden neighbour asked me later, “was that the Nelson White?”

Nelson commented on the success of this portrait, “I had no idea this would be such a big deal! It really kind of snowballed,” he added “I’m grateful to have my work accepted at this level.”

Elder Elsworth Oakley, from Massachusetts and living in Eskasoni, is the subject of the piece that has garnered national and international attention. Nelson explained, “Elder Oakley signed up for the marines at 17 years old. He served in Korea and is proud of his service. He’s one indigenous veteran of so many and for me, his face tells a story.”

Nelson hopes that this is just the beginning of greater eastern Canadian indigenous artist representation at the Smithsonian.

On Being an Artist

Nelson White at the St. George’s Community Garden, Friday, August 14, 2020
Nelson White at the St. George’s Community Garden, Friday, August 14, 2020

“I decided a few years ago that it was time to make space for being an artist.” Nelson had always been an artist but explained that he had never really taken it seriously. “It was time to do this professionally and do it right.”

Nelson changed careers to take a job that was less demanding and created less stress in his life. The move opened the door for his creative energy to flow and he has been steadily developing as a known artist. When I asked him what he would recommend to young artists, he had this to say.

“Learn the business side. Learn what they don’t teach you in art school. Being an artist takes more than just making and selling art. Artists should consider grant writing, marketing, online features, artist talks and other ways to be successful as an artist.”

Visit Tukien at Grenfell



10-4, Tuesday to Saturday (by appointment)
Make an appointment online now

To view the portraits from Tukien online, please visit



Story by Alison White (, on behalf of Qalipu First Nation.

Phyllis Cooper Feature Image

Community Leaders: Phyllis Cooper

Phyllis Cooper is an Elder from Stephenville. She’s a talented Silver Feather Artist, a dedicated volunteer with the Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network, and is a community member well known for living the grandfather teachings of Respect, Honesty, Humility, Courage, Truth Wisdom and Love; the pillars of walking a good path.

At the Table with Terry

Phyllis was nominated for the Community Leaders segment of the Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k newsletter by Terry Muise. Terry and I sat down for a cup of tea and a chat about the nomination. He had many kind words for his dear friend Phyllis.

“Phyllis is a real sweetheart,” he said, “she is what I would call a true Elder. She walks the talk; she lives the seven grandfather teachings.”

Terry added that Phyllis swears by the barter system and explained how important this is to uphold the culture.

“Phyllis knows that trading allows us to honour the unique gifts and talents of all people. We each trade what we have to offer; we share the gifts creator has given us.” He said.

Terry’s granddaughter, Trinity Lee, has been sitting at the table listening to her grandfather share why he’s nominated Phyllis and decides to speak up.

“I remember Phyllis.”

Trinity attended gatherings with Phyllis as one of the youth participants with NAWN’s project Elders and Youth Breaking the Silence on Mental Health. Phyllis is one of the guiding Elders with that project and Terry noted she is known for being great with children.

stepehenville groupWhen I asked Trinity what stands out in her memory about Phyllis, she thought for a moment and said, “She was silent but outgoing at the same time.”

Trinity explained that Phyllis was always there for you, participating fully in whatever was going on, but not making a fuss about herself or anything else.

You can tell Terry is proud of his granddaughter’s observation of Phyllis, and we share a knowing look about our hope for the youth who will lead tomorrow. Before we finish our chat, Terry suggested I speak with Candace Simon to get more details about Phyllis.

Candace Cannot Say Enough

Phyllis Cooper and Christian Tourout“I’ve known Phyllis since I was little, I used to hang out with her kids. Phyllis was an awesome mom.”

This mom next door would be a constant and positive presence in Candaces Simon’s life.

Candace shared, “I got involved in the Indigenous movement in Newfoundland about twenty years ago and Phyllis has been on the scene a lot longer than that. She also spent many years in Nunavut helping women in crisis, she must have seen so much. Her heart is huge.”

Fairness and justice are important to Phyllis, Candace shared.

She said, “She doesn’t conform to anything or anyone. She will defend the underdog and will speak on behalf of someone who doesn’t have a voice. There are no backdoors with her, either. She is honest, courageous and so kind. A truly genuine person.”

Candace also noted that Phyllis is a strong woman and Elder who knows the land.

Phyllis and Life on the Land

Phyllis Cooper fishingPhyllis shared some details about her love of the land and how important it is to pass this appreciation on to the next generation. She’s a mother of five, grandmother of ten, and great-grandmother of three and Phyllis says she enjoys sharing nature with them.

“I’m teaching my grandchildren how to salmon fish. My granddaughter Kaleigh got her first salmon a few years ago while I took her fishing. She was over the moon! Shilo is interested in going moose hunting with me next month. We have six granddaughters and four grandsons, and the girls love to be out in nature as much as the boys. I think it’s a very healthy lifestyle that keeps them grounded.”

Of all the outdoor pursuits, fishing is Phyllis’ favourite.

“Fishing is my passion; I find it very relaxing. When I’m at the cabin I go trout fishing every night, I bring the fish back to some elders I know who can’t get out fishing anymore but love to eat them. My grandchildren love to trout fish also, they catch them for our friends who are so thankful for them. We also pick berries to freeze for winter, grow a few of our own veggies. I want my grandchildren to know the old ways, to live off what the creator provided for us, to learn to share with others and care about each other. I think if you do that, you will be a much happier person and be more content with your life.”

Thank you for your contribution to our community, Phyllis. Keep up the great work.

Story by Alison White (, on behalf of Qalipu First Nation.

Call for proposals feature image

Qalipu Covid Relief Fund

In a recent meeting of Council, $75,000 were set aside for the providing support to community based Indigenous groups to better support members of the Qalipu First Nation during this difficult time.

The Qalipu COVID Relief Funds will provide Indigenous groups on the island of Newfoundland with a means to help Qalipu members with COVID-19 initiatives. The fund will allocate a maximum of $7,500 per organization for initiatives that will directly benefit the health and well being of vulnerable populations within our membership in this difficult time.

These funds provide a mechanism for grassroots Indigenous organizations on the ground in their communities to target and support vulnerable populations by aiding:

  1. mental health and wellness programs,
  2. personal protective equipment,
  3. personal hygiene products,
  4. food and
  5. vulnerable population essential transportation.

Qalipu First Nation is currently accepting proposals, from organizations interested in receiving up to $7,500 per funding year in grant funding from the Qalipu COVID Relief Fund for projects that are up to 6 months in duration. Funding is limited so interested groups are encouraged to apply early.

The proposal must be submitted by an eligible organization. To qualify your organization must be an established Indigenous organization on the island of Newfoundland, in good standing with the provincial Registry of Companies, and servicing the needs of the members of the Qalipu First Nation in their area.

Proposal Assessment
Proposals will be assessed on the following criteria to determine overall quality and merit.

1. Objectives
What is the purpose of the project? Organizations will need to clearly identify the goal of the project and provide a rationale as to how it will address the identified need highlighted above.

2. Vulnerable Populations
How will projects benefit seniors, youth, or other vulnerable populations in our communities?

3. Cost effectiveness
A budget outlining the project costs must accompany the proposal which supports the project activities and does not exceed the maximum allowed.

The proposal for funding must be received no later than Friday, August 21st, at 12:00 pm NST via mail or email.

Apply by email

Apply by Mail
Qalipu COVID Relief Fund
3 Church Street
Corner Brook, NL A2H 2Z4

Contact us
If you require any further information please feel free to contact Keith Goulding, Band Manager at or via telephone (709) 634-1147.