
Black Bear Program, Incredible Opportunity for Youth Aged 16+

Have we got an opportunity for you!

The Black Bear Program is a summer employment program for indigenous youth, age 16+, that combines culture and teachings with basic military training.  The six-week program takes place from early July to mid-August at 5th Canadian Division Training Centre located in Oromocto, NB.

And get this, participants get paid $4,200! That’s a summer job you won’t find anywhere else.  Meals and accommodations are provided while at the camp, and your transportation to and from Oromocto is covered too.

If you’re ready for a challenging experience that develops hands-on skills, encourages teamwork, improves physical fitness and promotes cultural awareness, get in touch with us to register for an upcoming information session.

Please contact Employment Coordinator Vickie MacDonald at

For more information, visit this link


Black Bear Program Information Sessions
Location Date Time
Qalipu Community Room at 1 Church Street, Corner Brook January 21, 2019 6:00-7:00 PM
People of the Dawn Indigenous Friendship Centre, 90 Main Street, Stephenville January 22, 2019 6:00-7:00 PM
Ktaqmkuk Mi’kmaq Museum, 183 Main Street, St. George’s January 23, 2019 6:00-7:00 PM
Sinbad Hotel Boardroom, 133 Bennett Drive, Gander January 24, 2019 2:00-3:00 PM
Qalipu Community Room, 28 Hardy Avenue, Grand Falls-Windsor January 24, 2019 6:00-7:00 PM
Student Opportunities

Student Opportunities with the Canadian Coast Guard

Respond to pollution events and contribute your skills to pollution response planning by working with the Canadian Coast Guard Environmental Response team this summer! Students who are hired as part of the Environmental Response Student Recruitment could find themselves headed toward full-time employment or participating in an entry level developmental program upon graduation.  Find out more here

Gain real time experience in search and rescue operations and provide assistance to mariners in distress! Every summer, students are hired for the Inshore Rescue Boat Student Program.  Here, students are trained in search and rescue operations, and are assigned as crew members to Inshore Rescue Boat stations.  Find out more here

Find out more about the Canadian Coast Guard and please reference guidelines on How to Apply

Group of females at work talking together in office

Transitions to Work – Gander

The “Transitions to Work” program is a community partnership between the Qalipu First Nation’s Education & Training Department, the Gander Women’s Centre, and the Department of Advanced Education, Skills and Labour (AESL). The program will provide employment readiness training and supports for Non EI eligible women so that they can access entry level employment.

Participants to the program will hone their skills in problem solving and workplace communications, learn budgeting skills, benefit from career exploration through identifying personal strengths, and obtain workplace certificates such as First-Aid and WHIMIS.

If you or someone you know would be interested in participating in this program, please check out the poster below for more information.

TTW (Fall program) POSTER (Monique Carroll)

Logan MacDonald, Made Space, Photography, 2018

Indigenous Arts at Grenfell Art Gallery

Artist Panel: Resurgence and Media: Creative Practices in Indigenous Storytelling

Friday 30 November, 1-2:30 pm Grenfell Art Gallery

Featuring artists Douglas Walbourne-Gough, Logan MacDonald, Meagan Musseau, and Melissa Tremblett in discussion about their diverse practices in relation to the transmission and revitalization of Indigenous stories and experiences.

Visiting Opening and Artist Talk

Friday 30 November, 4:30-7 pm

As always, these events are free, and all are welcome!


Visiting reflects and unpacks indigenous/settler identity, pan-indigenous cross-cultural exchange, cultural revival, and queerness. Not to provide answers, but to explore endless possibilities that reflect the diversity of individual experiences. While mediating these experiences through installation, drawing and photography, these works contemplate the dynamics of community and belonging while negotiating access and viewership.

Visiting: Logan MacDonald is presented by Grenfell Art Gallery in collaboration with Identify: A Celebration of Indigenous Arts and Culture and Eastern Edge Artist-Run Centre. In this exhibition MacDonald looks at manipulated landscapes, earthworks, structures and signage established by Indigenous communities as a means to assert property against encroachment. These moments of intimacy and movement draw connections between body and land as both sites of colonization and resilience in queer and Indigenous people.

– Emily Critch, Curator

 This is one of the 200 exceptional projects funded through the Canada Council for the Arts’ New Chapter program. With this $35M investment, the Council supports the creation and sharing of the arts in communities across Canada.


Newly Elected Qalipu Chief and Council Officially Take Office, Marked by Swearing in Ceremony

An election to choose Qalipu’s governing body, the Chief and Council, takes place every three years, and was recently conducted this year on October 23.  Today, the newly elected Chief and Council take office following a 30-day transition period.  The occasion was marked with a Swearing in Ceremony at the Civic Centre in Corner Brook.

The ceremony was officiated by Chief Mi’sel Joe of the Miawpukek First Nation, included musical sharing by Troy Bennett and Friends on the Community Big Drum, Paul Pike, and the Corner Brook Aboriginal Women’s Association.

Chief Brendan Mitchell, re-elected for a second term, said he is looking forward to working together in unity with the new Council, building upon initiatives that were started during his first term, and striving to achieve shared goals.

“Members of Council will have unique priorities and vision for their communities, however we share common interests including achievement of positive results in new negotiations with government.  Veterans, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP and FNI members or members of other Mi’kmaq organizations who were involved in the enrolment Process and denied Founding Membership will all be considered”, he said.

Mitchell also noted other priority areas that he believes will be shared on Council.  He said,  “We share a common vision of cohesiveness and unity within our communities; advancing business development initiatives leading to greater self-sufficiency for Qalipu as a means to contributing financially to our Ward communities; working towards obtaining a food, social and ceremonial license that will benefit our membership; and continuing to support the cultural revitalization that we have witnessed in recent times.”

The ceremony was attended by representatives from local indigenous organizations, community members and government officials.

Following the swearing in ceremony the new Council went on to hold their first meeting together, at the Community Room in Corner Brook.

My Post (10)

Qalipu Community Development Group Celebrates World Children’s Day at Stepping Stones Daycare

World Children’s Day shines light on every child and their right to live in a world, safe from harm, where they are able to fulfill their full potential (UNICEF). In recognition of this special day, Qalipu First Nation’s Community Development team visited children at Stepping Stones Daycare, Corner Brook, to craft little shakers and sing songs. Smiles and music filled the room as children played their new instruments for the first time.

For more information about World Children’s Day, please visit

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Announcement of Appointments

Qalipu First Nation is always looking for opportunities to participate in forums and discussions that advance the interests of our membership. We are often asked to sit on committees and boards to bring an Indigenous perspective to various issues. We are pleased to announce three recent appointments.

Tara Saunders, Tourism Development Officer, has recently been elected to the board of the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC). This national organization supports the growth of Indigenous tourism in Canada and addresses the demand for development and marketing of authentic Indigenous experiences. Tara has previously represented the Band on the provincial and atlantic ITAC advisory committees.

Sara Leah Hindy, Community Development Officer, has been appointed to the Newfoundland and Labrador Indigenous Education Advisory Committee. The committee is a working group of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, established to advance Indigenous education within the provincial K-12 school system and implement the recommendations outlined in the Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes.

Ralph Eldridge, Director of Community Development, has accepted an appointment as Director with Skills Canada Newfoundland and Labrador. Skills Canada’s mandate is to encourage and support a coordinated Canadian approach to promoting skilled trades and technologies to youth. The Board educates and encourages young Canadians to develop skills that address labour shortages and support Canada’s economic well-being.


Please Contribute to the Ktaqmkuk Mi’kmaq Place Names Project

Do you live in one of our Newfoundland Mi’kmaq communities such as Bay of Islands, Flat Bay, Burgeo, or Badger?  Do you have roots in Port au Port, Exploits or Millertown?

Have you camped, hunted or travelled Newfoundland areas and have stories or pictures that you would like to share?  Have you heard family stories about logging, guiding or fishing in Newfoundland?

We are collecting stories, pictures and information that we can add to our online interactive Mi’kmaq place names map.

Sharing knowledge through storytelling is a strong Mi’kmaq tradition that we continue today.  By capturing some of these memories, and adding them to an online interactive map, we can preserve stories about the places that are special to us.

If you would like to share, please contact Nicole Travers at the following email: or tel. (709) 634-3856.

We also invite you to view our interactive Ktaqmkuk Mi’kmaq Place Names map of Newfoundland.

Storyingtelling poster


Canada to reassess nearly 58,000 applicants for Founding Membership in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation and commits to exploratory discussions on membership for veterans, military members, RCMP and FNI members

November 15, 2018 — Ottawa, ON — Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Canada remains committed to renewing the nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership.

Today, Gudie Hutchings, Member of Parliament for Long Range Mountains and Yvonne Jones, Member of Parliament for Labrador, on behalf of the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, along with Brendan Mitchell, President of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) announced the next steps in the implementation of the Wells/Wells decision.

Canada and the FNI will be moving forward with reassessing approximately 58,000 individuals who were denied Founding Membership in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation. In addition, parties have committed to enter into exploratory discussions to address outstanding concerns regarding members of the Canadian Armed Forces, veterans, RCMP and FNI members or members of other Mi’kmaq organizations who were named in the 2008 agreement and denied Founding Membership. Individuals affected by the exploratory discussions will be contacted once further information becomes available.

The review of the Enrolment Process is a result of the May 8, 2018 Federal Court decision on the David Wells and Sandra Wells case, which deemed the requirement for proof of self-identification to the Mi’kmaq community pre-dating 2008 to be unreasonable and unenforceable. Therefore, these individuals will have the right to request reassessment of their application and to submit additional documentation for the self-identification criterion.

Individuals affected by the Wells decision will be contacted by mail in January 2019 with information on how to submit additional documents to have their application reassessed. Those who wish to have their applications reviewed will be asked to submit the form and documents with a postmark no later than 100 days after receipt of their letter.

Quick Facts on the Wells Decision

  • On May 8, 2018, Federal Court released its decision in the David Wells and Sandra Wells case, stipulating that it was unreasonable to require applicants to provide proof of self-identification to the Mi’kmaq community pre-dating the 2008 Agreement for the Recognition of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq Band.
  • This decision means that the approximate 58,000 individuals whose application for Founding Membership to the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation was denied based on the self-identification criterion of the Enrolment Process, now have the right to request reassessment of their application and to submit additional documentation.
  • In January 2019 (TBD), the Government of Canada and Federation of Newfoundland Indians will notify the 58,000 applicants eligible for re-assessment as a result of the Wells decision on next steps for the reassessment of their application.
  • Those affected should ensure their mailing address is up to date by contacting the Qalipu toll-free telephone line (1-800-561-2266). Individuals whose mailing address has not changed since their initial application are not required to provide updated information.
  • Additional information on the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Enrolment Process and the process through which the Wells decision will be implemented can be found online.

Quick Facts on the Exploratory Discussions

  • In the signature of the 2008 and 2013 Agreements and the Indemnity Agreement, the Government of Canada, the Federation of Newfoundland Indians, and the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation all agreed to the eligibility criteria individuals were required to meet in order to register under the Band.
  • In accordance with the 2008 and 2013 Agreements, and with the Enrolment and Appeals Processes, no exemptions or exceptions were granted to Veterans or members of other distinctive groups. However, Canada has heard the concerns regarding Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, veterans, as well as members of FNI, who believe their applications were unfairly denied and will be entering into discussions with the FNI on this matter.
  • The Government of Canada recognizes and deeply values the meaningful contributions of Indigenous Veterans, RCMP, Canadian Armed Forces and other members of the military, to the development of our nation, and honours the sacrifices they have made in the defense of freedom and the pursuit of world peace.



“The creation of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation is an important step towards reconciliation and the recognition of Newfoundland’s Mi’kmaq People. Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians will continue to work in close collaboration throughout the implementation of the Federal Court’s decision, in the spirit of upholding the integrity of founding membership.”

The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P.
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

“I encourage all those who are eligible to submit additional documentation regarding the self-id criteria to do so.  Letters will be mailed to impacted individuals in the near future so I encourage you to ensure that your mailing address is up-to-date.  If you’ve moved or changed address, please contact 1-800-561-2266.  Let’s all look out for one another by sharing this news among our communities.”

Brendan Mitchell
President of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians