The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Announcement: Appointment of Electoral Officer for Qalipu Election 2018

We wish to advise our members that the Qalipu Chief and Council have appointed Carol Lahey to the position of Electoral Officer.  In this role, Carol will  administer the upcoming Band Election in accordance with the Custom Rules Governing the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections.

Carol Lahey was a Deputy Electoral Officer in both the 2012 and 2015 Qalipu elections, and as such has become proficient in her understanding of our election process, rules and procedure.  She also brings with her experience working in both provincial and federal elections.

We look forward to another successful election in 2018.

To reach Carol, please email

or call 709-634-7823

The Election Office is located at:
Suite 313
93 West Street
Corner Brook, NL
A2H 2Y6

Junior Police Accademy Featured Image

Junior Police Academy – 2018

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and Qalipu First Nation partnered to host the Junior Police Academy program held at Killdevil Camp and Conference Centre from August 7th to August 10th.  This program provides youth with opportunities to learn from community leaders, connect with nature and be immersed in culture. It is intended to foster social growth, promote healthy lifestyle choices and build positive relationships.

This year’s Junior Police Academy welcomed 52 children to camp where they participated in a range of activities and learning sessions including singing, drumming, rattle-making and ceremony. A cultural campfire, with roasted bannock and freshly steeped Labrador tea, was a welcomed treat for all!

Culture Gems Group Activity Officer

Cultural Session at Grenfell Campus

Cultural Session at Grenfell Campus

Grenfell Campus hosted 24 students and their chaperones from Sugiyama Jogakuen University (Nagoya, Japan) from August 6th to August 24th.  As part of their immersion learning, Qalipu First Nation offered a Mi’kmaq cultural session to share songs, stories and cultural traditions with the students, providing a deeper understanding of place.

Nature Conservancy Canada

Qalipu Celebrates New Nature Reserve

On Friday, August 17th, the newly established 79-hectare Barachois Brook Nature Reserve was announced by Nature Conservancy of Canada staff and Goudie Hutchings, Member of Parliament for Long Range Mountains. In acknowledgement of the historical and cultural significance of this land, traditional knowledge and music was shared.


Announcement: Qalipu to hold Annual General Assembly

Please be advised that the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band will hold its Annual General Assembly (AGA) to discuss the activities of the Band for the fiscal year of 2017-18. The AGA will be held on September 15 at 1:30 pm in St. George’s at the Parish Hall. All members are invited to attend and are reminded that their registration number will be required to sign in. The Annual Report will be published on our website, and copies will be available at the meeting. For your reference, please find a copy of our 2017-18 audited financial statements, which will be presented at the AGA, here:


Ktaqmkuk Mi’kmaq Place Names Project: Please Contribute Your Photos, Videos and Stories to our NEW Interactive Map!

Throughout Mi’kma’ki (traditional Mi’kmaq lands), places were often named to describe landscape features, to aid in navigation, and to locate specific resources.  Names like Pilmuipke’katik (where mint grows along the brook) speak to a traditional way of naming lands and water features that was useful and practical for the people of the day.

The Ktaqmkuk Place Names Project aims to capture and record this information, these place names and what they mean, for our knowledge, and for future generations.  In this way, we better understand who we are, and where we come from.

The Ktaqmkuk Place Names Project has been evolving since the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) first Traditional Use Study in 1999, and through subsequent TUS completed by both the FNI and Qalipu.  Recently, Qalipu partnered with the College of the North Atlantic and Memorial University’s Grenfell Campus to compile information into an interactive map which includes more than eighty place names collected from community members.  The map includes translations, Mi’kmaq pronunciations, and other information which is now available on our website.  We encourage you to have some fun exploring the map which you can find linked below.

As an extension to this project, we would like to make the map more interactive by adding photos, videos, audio and stories.

Are you from Nujio’qon (St. George’s) and have a story to tell about this place, the earliest recorded Mi’kmaq settlement on the island?

Or maybe you’ve spent time on the country and have pictures to share of Sko’pa’qan Pim’tin (Lookout Mountain).  What about the little-known community of Nanetetig (Muddy Hole)?

We would love to hear from you on this next phase of the Ktaqmkuk Mi’kmaq Place Names Project.  Please get in touch!

Please contact:

Nicole Travers
tel. (709) 634-3856

Click Here to view the Ktaqmkuk Interactive Place Names Map

Skills Link BSG Flyer_edited

Skills Link “Ready to Work” program

College of the North Atlantic is offering a 13-week Skills Link “Ready to Work” program. This program
includes 6 weeks of paid classroom training and 7 weeks of paid on-the-job training. Students are
also eligible for a $150 Completion Bonus upon successful attendance and participation.

This program will provide students the opportunity to improve their employability skills with
Professional and Personal Development seminars, Job Search Skills, and Introduction to Computers.
This program will help students recognize and build personal management skills required to transition
to the workforce. Students will become certified in Emergency First Aid, WHMIS 2015, and Back Injury
Prevention. Students will have the opportunity to explore career choices, develop job search tools such
as a resume and cover letter, and participate in a supported job search. Students will then participate in
an on-the-job training session for at least 24 hours per week over a period of 7 weeks.

Entrance Requirements: Students must be:
• between the ages of 15 and 30 (inclusive) at the time of intake/selection;
• facing barriers to employment;
• Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons who have been granted refugee status in Canada;
• legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations; and
• not in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.
* Open to applicants who have or have not completed high school and meet the requirements
listed above.

Start Date: October 9, 2018**
Location: Bay St. George campus
Registration Deadline: September 10, 2018

**This program will be offered pending sufficient enrollment.

For further information, please contact:
Gail Dober at 709 643 7749, or
Deborah Jennings at 709 643 7825,


Indigenous Stories Beyond Borders


The Canadian Museum of History is currently inviting members of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities to contribute their stories and oral histories to an upcoming exhibition about the international experiences of Indigenous peoples.

Indigenous Stories Beyond Borders (the exhibition’s working title) will highlight the perspectives of groups and individuals that have travelled the world as diplomats, warriors/soldiers, performers, artists, scholars and athletes, over many centuries.

Please check out their poster for more details

Nominations Close Tomorrow! Ulnooweg Awards

Ulnooweg is pleased to announce we will be hosting our Awards Show in Corner Brook, NL on September 20th, 2018.
Nominations are now open and will remain open until August 3rd.
We have successfully developed online nomination forms for our upcoming Award Show.
Please note the life time achievement award has it’s own link, and please nominate someone you think deserves this award.

Lifetime achievement: (

Award nominations: (

Sponsorship: (