
Workplace Etiquette Workshop

Update January 28, 2022
The Workplace Etiquette workshop for ages 15-18 has now opened to accommodate ages 14 years due to noticeable interest! Successful Registrants will be contacted soon via email. Thank you!

The Education and Training Department of Qalipu First Nation (QFN) in partnership with Spicer Facilitation and Learning are bringing to members, an opportunity, to join virtually in an interactive workshop on Workplace Etiquette.

Learn the basic elements of workplace etiquette, including how to dress for success The workshop is intended for ages 15-29. REGISTRATION LINK: tinyurl.com/EtiquetteTrg

Click here for details: Poster



Financial Budgeting Workshop

Update February 3, 2022
Registration closed 4:00pm NDT Thursday, February 3, 2022 after exceeding capacity. All applicants were successful in registration and have received their workshop link via email. Thank you for your interest!


Update January 25, 2022
The Financial budgeting workshop for ages 15-18 has now opened to accommodate ages 14 years due to noticeable interest! At this time the workshop for ages 19+ is full. Successful Registrants will be contacted soon via email. Thank you!

The Education and Training Department of Qalipu First Nation (QFN) in partnership with Spicer Facilitation and Learning are bringing to members, an opportunity, to join virtually in an interactive workshop on Financial Budgeting.

Review of factors that impact personal spending, explore tips for increasing financial ID and learn the concepts of paying yourself first. REGISTRATION LINK: surveymonkey.com/r/T63H7BC

Financial Budgeting



Virtual Invitation Current Qalipu Post-Secondary Students [Winter Semester 2022 Reimbursements]

The Qalipu Education and Training Department will be hosting a webinar for all current Qalipu funded students to provide them with an opportunity to speak with staff virtually to receive tips for their Winter 2022 reimbursement!

[This webinar is for students who are currently receiving funding support. A session for aspiring students or those who will plan to submit funding applications will follow in the future.]

Participants who register and attend the webinar will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card.

Session will take place via Microsoft Teams on January 19th from 6:30-8:00pm NL time. The link to register is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S7W5KB9


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Logo Contest – Ages 11 and under (Grade 5 and below)

Qalipu First Nation has opened a Logo Contest for their new upcoming program Eastern Sun Mi’kmaq Early Childhood Education Program! This contest is open to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous children under the age of 11 (Grades 5 and below) within Canada. Contest submissions must be received by January 31st, 2022, 11:59pm NDT. The winner will be announced late February or early March. The contest winner will receive a children’s Indigenous Education Bundle (books, smudge kit, medicine pouch kit, leather rattle kit, etc.).

The Eastern Sun Mi’kmaq Early Childhood Education Program is a new program being launched by the Education and Training Department of Qalipu First Nation. The Eastern Sun Program will be available to registered daycare centers within Qalipu Ward Areas across Western and Central Newfoundland and will provide valuable Indigenous education to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and families.

Eastern Sun Logo Contest Details


workfrom home

Qalipu Offices – Work From Home

Please be advised that all Qalipu First Nation office locations are currently closed until Provincial alert levels are reassessed. At this time, employees are working from home during regular business hours from 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday and can be reached by email: qalipu.ca/about/office-and-e-mail-addresses If you prefer to leave a voicemail for a staff member, please ensure to state your name and phone number so they can return your call as soon as possible! For more information please check our website at qalipu.ca or send us a message on our Facebook page ‘Qalipu First Nation’ facebook.com/QalipuFirstNation.

Thank you and Stay Safe.


Holiday Greetings from Chief and Council


As we step into this Holiday Season, the Chief and Council of Qalipu First Nation wish all members of our Nation, our dedicated staff, and our many partners and supporters a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous and Healthy 2022.

We encourage everyone this Christmas to spend time with loved ones and take moments to reflect on the good things we have in our lives and the abundance of opportunities 2021 brought our way. We hope that your homes will be filled with the true spirit of Christmas. Allow yourselves time spent with family and loved ones and we hope that good times and the love and respect for one another abound.

While we enjoy creating new memories this Holiday Season we ask that you stay safe. We look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year!

Wli Nuelewi aq Pusu’l Puna’ne!
[ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ]

Chief Brenden Mitchell

submit referals

Submit your Medical Referrals in Advance

The Qalipu First Nation Department of Health and Wellness, under the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Support Specialist Team would like to remind and advise members to submit their medical referrals a minimum of 7-10 business days to arrange for pre-approved transportation and accommodations. Any late submissions may result in members paying for their transportation and accommodations up front with the option to request reimbursement after.

Thank you for your understanding, we are happy to help in any way we can to ease your medical needs and experience!



To apply for your card renewal:

Click Here for Instructions for SCIS Application
Click Here for Adult and Child Application
Click here for Guarantor Declaration

Video: Adult SCIS Card Renewals
Video: Child SCIS Card Renewals

As listed on the Instructions for SCIS Application – All completed applications must be sent to:

National SCIS Processing Unit
10 Wellington Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H4

For assistance with your form applications or to set an appointment for guidance please contact (ensure to leave your phone number if you are sent to voicemail or send a request for help by email):

Betty Lou Hynes


Nancy O’Connell